So far, I have highlighted the public testimonies of:
1. Thomas L. Palke
2. Ezekiel
3. Benjamin Harju
This is the last in a series of posts looking at the public testimony of Fr. John Fenton, another pastor in the LCMS who converted to Eastern Orthodoxy.
Fr. Fenton states that he did not become Orthodox because of the problems in the LCMS. He shares:
"Please know, however, that the troubles in the LCMS are not the reason for my resignation. If I was leaving because the Missouri Synod is in trouble, I would be leaving for all the wrong reasons; I would be running when I should be protecting you; and I would be showing you great disrespect.
I tender my resignation because, over time, I have come to see and believe that the faith believed, taught, confessed and lived in the Orthodox Church is the faith of the apostles. Therefore, I sincerely believe that the Orthodox Church is the true visible Church of Christ on earth. For this reason, my family and I will seek to be received into communion in the Orthodox Church."
What was the "core issue" that caused Fr. Fenton to become Orthodox? He states:
"Your new bishop recently asked me what core issue motivated me to embrace the Orthodox Faith. It is this: The Liturgy never changes.
I don’t mean that chants or prayers or feasts are not added or subtracted gradually over time. What I mean is that no priest or bishop or congregation can decide to cut the Eucharistic Prayer or go with a new style of worship or change things to suit his convictions or the times. Why? Because the liturgy is not something smart men have created and so can modify. The liturgy is from the Holy Spirit in the same way that the Scriptures are from the Holy Spirit. In the liturgy, the Holy Spirit rightly instructs us in Holy Scripture and His presence transforms us and the gifts set forth in the Holy Eucharist. So the liturgy is the way the Faith is given, confessed, prayed and proclaimed.
As the liturgy goes, so goes the Faith together with your certainty and surety.Bad bishops and aberrant priests have and will always surface in the true Church. From time to time, they introduce novel and heretical teachings. But if the liturgy doesn’t change, then their faith-destroying words will not take hold and will eventually fade away. The bottom line, then, is that the unchanging liturgy keeps us on the straight and narrow. It keeps us both on the way to the Kingdom, and in the Way which is Our Lord Jesus Christ. And the Kingdom of heaven is the goal, and the Lord Jesus is our Life."
1 comment:
I have really enjoyed this collection of comments from former LCMS pastors who left the Lutheran confession for Holy Orthodoxy. Can you imagine the sacrifices these men have made? Essentially leaving their secure livelihoods for their faith! Father Fenton has like seven kids! What strong, powerful examples for the rest of us.
And these are not men who just weren't intellectually suited to understand Lutheranism. They knew exactly what they were leaving.
I keep these men and all Lutheran pastors who have either left the LCMS for Orthodoxy, will leave or have seriously considered leaving only to stay in my daily prayers.
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