
Issues Etc. series on Eastern Orthodoxy

Rev. Wilken recently interviewed Rev. David Jay Webber on Issues Etc. Eastern Orthodoxy was the focus of the interviews.

Below are the three interviews. A future blog post will focus on an Eastern Orthodoxy response to the interviews.

Eastern Orthodoxy: Strengths & Weaknesses

Eastern Orthodoxy Today

The Pelagian Controversy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As one raised in the LCMS and a longtime inquirer into the Orthodox Church I looked forward to this series of interviews with much anticipation. I had been searching a long time for ANY concrete/official writings from the Lutheran side of the street in regards to the Orthodox Church, but to no avail. Anyhow, what a disgrace these interviews were. I spent a few years in Russia and even I knew what Pastor Webber was saying was patently wrong. Not to be rude, but I found myself wondering if he'd been living under a proverbial Lutheran rock the whole time he was in the Ukraine. But the gall of Issues, Etc. to pass this off as something "official" and "scholarly" was truly ripe. I really had enjoy listening to Issues, Etc. on my iPOD, but after that bunch of bolony I deleted the podcast for good. Sorry. Maybe next time they should bring in an Orthodox priest and have a REAL dialogue.